The Autoriti Monetari Brunei Darussalam presented yesterday a new banknote of 50 ringgit (BND50.7) commemorative of the 50th Anniversary of the Accession to the Throne of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah I. The issue to circulation date is October 9.

The new note is printed on polymer substrate, and in addition to the regular issue there will be available notes of the Series “HB50” in a special box, folders with an older 25 and this new 50 ringgit notes, uncut sheets of three notes in an acrilic display, uncut sheets of eight notes, and uncut sheets of 40 notes. All these are sold at a premium, and can be ordered until October 25. 

Source: AutoritiMonetariBruineiDarussalam

Courtesy: Gabriel A. Leichen

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